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The Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary is a colorful and concise commentary covering the entire Bible. The editors know that some of what we read in the Bible is self-explanatory, but other passages are difficult and require help, much like when the apostle Philip assisted Ethiopian eunuch in Acts. So to bring clarity to all Bible passages, 45 top Bible scholars contributed to this 1,410-page...

8:11 God spoke to Isaiah (me) so he would not conform to the people’s beliefs. 8:12 The alliance (alternatively “conspiracy,” NRSV) may refer to the alliance between Syria and the northern kingdom of Israel against Judah or perhaps an inner-Judean alliance against the pro-Assyrian party of Ahaz. Whatever the exact alliance in view, the point was that Isaiah must not be afraid like the people were. 8:13 The fear of God overshadows all other fears (Lk 12:5). The reason Isaiah and others must not fear
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